Speed record cars: Thrust 2 (1983)

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Vytvořena: 15. 9. 2016

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Automobile speed records
growth of cars' land speed records

The evolution of car speed world records is followed since December 1898. Since then, the highest land speed achieved by vehicle has changed almost sixty times.
The value of a recognized land speed record since 1914 is set as the average of two consecutive car runs in opposite directions of the runway.
Since 1963, the record cars no longer use a wheel drive, but a turbine or rocket engine. The latest vehicle aspirant to overcome the world speed record is the postponed British project Bloodhound LSR.
The timeline includes all the important shifts in land speed record over a hundred years. The timeline shows not only the growth of the absolute value of the vehicle speed record, but also the dynamics of its change.


Rozsah časové osy: 18.12.1898 - 15.10.1997

Počet událostí: 28 (5 prioritních)

Osa s kalendářními datumy: 2 sady hodnot

Bodové události

Lineární stupnice

Autor osy : redakce Timixi

CENA OSY   od 26 kreditů

Základní cena : 31 kreditů

Zvýhodnění: místo až 5 kreditů lze použít žetony

Moje cena: 31 kreditů Získat osu


CZ Automobilové rychlostní rekordy

EN Automobile speed records


Sport   Doprava   Moderní doba  

auto   automobil   rekord   rychlost   Bluebird   Thrust   Sunbeam   Mercedes   Fiat  



Absolute Land Speed Records - www.gregwapling.com
Cars of land speed records - auta5p.eu [CZ]
List of vehicle speed records - en.wikipedia.org
Land speed record - en.wikipedia.org
Bloodhound SSC - en.wikipedia.org

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