Microsoft Windows - major PC operating system versions (assembly: Timixi, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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Microsoft Windows
Development of major PC operating system versions

Windows was created as a graphical extension of the MS-DOS personal computer operating system. The first versions suffered from instability and bugs, only since version 3 the system became usable and widely popular with users.
The originality of the graphical design of Windows had to be defended by the company in a court case brought by Apple against Microsoft.

In the 1990s, Microsoft struggled with the forking of desktop systems into two development lines. Only the (later) successful release of Windows XP merged the two series.

In previous years, Microsoft also tried to unify Windows for use on personal computers and mobile devices, but the effort was not successful.

With the advent of MS Windows 10, word spread from the company that this version would be the last one and further evolution would take place just through regular upgrades. However, a new version of Windows 11 is announced for autumn 2021.

You can follow all the evolutionary stages of the dominant PC system so far on the Microsoft Windows timeline.


Rozsah časové osy: 1985 - 2021

Počet událostí: 14 (5 prioritních)

Osa s kalendářními datumy: 1 sada hodnot

Bodové události

Lineární stupnice

Autor osy : redakce Timixi


Speciální nabídka: Osa zdarma


CZ Microsoft Windows

EN Microsoft Windows


Počítače a internet   Moderní doba  

windows   windows timeline   Microsoft   operační systém   systém   DOS   MS DOS   okna   XP   Vista   NT   PC   Gates  


ver 1.7.6