Wimbledon, The Championships (photo: Razzle-dazzle, public domain)

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Vytvořena: 23. 6. 2017

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Wimbledon Tennis Championships
Multiple winners of the oldest tennis tournament in the world

London’s Wimbledon district is the venue of the oldest tennis tournament in the world, for every year. For more than 100 years, the organiser have been insisting to the old traditions - white dresses of players, limited advertising space, dressing rooms, patronage of the Royal family... and strawberries with cream in visitor tribunes.
Of the four Grand Slam top tennis tournaments, Wimbledon has the greatest prestige.
The list of champions here includes tennis players who have won the All England Club tournament at least for three times. On the timeline, the period between the first and last title and the total number of victories are indicated.
The selection on the timeline includes the major holders of the Wimbledon trophy in men's and women's singles who played in the open era, i.e. since 1968.
The regular rhythm of tennis tournaments in London has been disrupted twice in recent years. In 2020, the tournament was not played at all due to the coronavirus pandemic, in 2022, representatives of the aggressor - Russia and Belarus - were not invited due to the war against Ukraine. The ATP then refused to award all tennis players tournament points in the rankings.
The selection includes outstanding Wimbledon champions in men’s and women’s singles, who played in the Open era (since 1968). The timeline illustrates the winning period of top tennis players.


Rozsah časové osy: 1968 - 2022

Počet událostí: 12

Osa s kalendářními datumy: 2 sady hodnot

Pásmové události

Lineární stupnice

Autor osy : redakce Timixi


Speciální nabídka: Osa zdarma


CZ Tenisový Wimbledon

EN Wimbledon Tennis Championships


Sport   Tenis a squash   Regiony   Moderní doba  

Grand Slam   turnaj   tenis   Wimbledon   kurt   Navrátilová   tráva   centrkurt   pohár   raketa   servis   Federer   trofej  



Tennis Wimbledon - cs.wikipedia.org [CZ]
The Championships, Wimbledon - en.wikipedia.org
Grand Slam (tennis) - en.wikipedia.org
Wimbledon, The Championships (official) - www.wimbledon.com

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