Jaromir Jagr in Florida Panthers jersey (photo: Corn Farmer / Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0)

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Vytvořena: 15. 7. 2017

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Jaromir Jagr and his NHL teams
Path of Jaromir Jagr by North American hockey teams

Jaromir Jagr was drafted to the NHL in 1990 and played 80 games for Pittsburgh in the first season. In the following years, he won both his Stanley Cups and most of his personal awards with Penguins. But in 2001, his tour on NHL clubs began.
Less successful seasons in Washington have been replaced by great years at the New York Rangers. Then for three years Jagr left America and played hockey in Russia. 
Jaromir returned to the NHL surprisingly in the Philadelphia jersey. He started season 2012-13 in Dallas and finished with Boston. For the next two years he was a member of the New Jersey Devils hockey team.
Not only did Jagr come to life in Florida, his presence in the team also encouraged the Panthers’ cabin. However, after the 2016-17 season, the Czech hockey player has not received a new contract.
He joined for the first time a Canadian team - Calgary Flames. Unfortunately, due to injury, he ended the season prematurely and returned to Kladno, Czechia.
The timeline of Jaromir Jagr tracks first of all the time spent in NHL teams. For each of Jagr’s ice hockey teams, you can also find his point average for the match.


Rozsah časové osy: 1990 - 2018

Počet událostí: 9 (3 prioritní)

Osa s kalendářními datumy: 2 sady hodnot

Pásmové události

Lineární stupnice

Autor osy : redakce Timixi


Speciální nabídka: Osa zdarma


CZ Jaromír Jágr a jeho týmy v NHL

EN Jaromir Jagr and his NHL teams


Sport   Hokej   Moderní doba  

tým   Dallas   hokej   New York   NHL   Washington   Jaromír Jágr   Jágr   Pittsburgh   Philadelphia   New Jersey   Florida   Boston   Capitals   Bruins   Panthers   Flyers   Penguins   Devils   Stars   Rangers  



Jaromir Jagr - en.wikipedia.org
Jaromír Jágr - www.eliteprospects.com
Jaromír Jágr v NHL - www.nhl.com

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