Queen Elizabeth II (photo: State Library of New South Wales, public domain)

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House of Windsor
Royal family of United Kingdom

The current royal family of Windsor derives its roots from Queen Victoria, the House of Hannover family, and subsequently House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 
Queen Victoria is not only a symbol of the peak period of the British Empire, also had the great influence on the Hannover dynasty. She had 9 children and 42 grandchildren, for whom she agreed to marry in noble families across Europe. 
Her son Edward VII belongs to the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. During the Great War, his son George V decided to face anti-German sentiments by renaming the family to House of Windsor.
The last change in the name of the Windsor dynasty took place in 1960. According to Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, the family (for distant descendants) is now called House of Mountbatten-Windsor.
The longest-serving British monarch in history is Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned for 70 years.
The timeline brings a clear visualization of the members of the Windsor dynasty’s main line.


Rozsah časové osy: 1837 - 2022

Počet událostí: 15 (5 prioritních)

Osa s kalendářními datumy: 2 sady hodnot

Bodové a pásmové události (11 pásmových událostí )

Lineární stupnice

Autor osy : redakce Timixi


Speciální nabídka: Osa zdarma


CZ Dynastie Windsor

EN House of Windsor


Osobnosti   Politika   Rodina a vztahy   Státy   Moderní doba  

král   šlechta   královna   dynastie   Jiří   Windsor   panovnický rod   Viktorie   Alžběta   Eduard  



Windsor dynasty - cs.wikipedia.org [CZ]
House of Windsor - en.wikipedia.org
Royal Family - www.royal.uk
Viktoria, Queen of UK - cs.wikipedia.org [CZ]
Queen Victoria - en.wikipedia.org
House of Windsor (official) - www.royal.uk

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