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Pravidla hry: stáhnout zdarma
Tisk osy: tiskárna
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Several scientists have contributed to the determination of today's Euler number. With his work on logarithms, John Napier made it possible to calculate the basis of the natural logarithm, that is, the constant e. It is interesting to note that Jost Bürgi in Prague had already clarified the logarithms before Napier (confirmed by Johann Kepler), but he published his results late. However, the initial merit of the formulation of Euler's number is to be admitted to Jacob Bernoulli, who discovered the constant when examining compound interest after 1683.
No doubt, Leonhard Euler deserves a name for the constant e. The Swiss native is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of history. He is the founder of graph theory, for solving differential equations he has determined the method of variation of constants, introduced a two-dimensional integral or the designation f(x) for a function. Another number, Euler-Mascheroni's constant, bears his name.
On the timeline, we can observe fundamental advances in the calculation of Euler's number. In addition, for the oldest calculations performed without computer, the number of decimal places of the calculated constant e is graphically represented.
Rozsah časové osy: 1690 - 2019
Počet událostí: 14 (3 prioritní)
Osa s kalendářními datumy: 3 sady hodnot
Bodové a pásmové události (1 pásmová událost )
Lineární stupnice
Autor osy : redakce Timixi
Speciální nabídka: Osa zdarma
EN Euler's number
Počítače a internet
Moderní doba
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Euler's number - cs.wikipedia.org [CZ]
Eulersche Zahl - de.wikipedia.org
Euler's number to 10.000 digits - www.math.utah.edu
Mathematical constant e - en.wikipedia.org
Andrea Jezkova: History of e number (Bachelor thesis) - theses.cz PřF UP Olomouc, 2014 [CZ]
The constant e and its computation - numbers.computation.free.fr
Math constants computation: e - numberworld.org