Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station - accident (photo: Digital Globe)

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Vytvořena: 8. 4. 2019

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Disaster of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Station - Unit 2
Accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant / Unit 2 after a tsunami hit

On March 11, 2011, Japan hit an extraordinarily strong earthquake, which subsequently triggered tsunami waves of up to 39 meters high. As a result of the natural disaster, there was a significant devastation of large coastal areas. The catastrophe was so devastating that it had destroyed entire cities, damaged the infrastructure, and lost all the contact of the affected areas with the rest of the world.
Four nuclear power plants (total 11 reactors) were hit. The most extensive harm was at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Station (Fukushima Daiichi) owned by TEPCO. The accident at the Fukushima I was rated 7 on the INES scale, the higher the grade does not already have. The highest level was granted only to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986.
On the timeline, we follow a detailed description of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 after the earthquake and the later tsunami wave. You can compare the timeline with Fukushima-Unit 1 timeline, too.


Rozsah časové osy: 11.3.2011 14:47 - 14.3.2011 19:54

Počet událostí: 13 (2 prioritní)

Bodové události

Lineární stupnice

Autor osy : redakce Timixi

CENA OSY   od 12 kreditů

Základní cena : 16 kreditů

Zvýhodnění: místo až 4 kreditů lze použít žetony

Moje cena: 16 kreditů Získat osu


Energetika   Katastrofy   Moderní doba  

tsunami   power plant   disaster   accident   reactor   earthquake   Fukushima   nuclear   nuclear power plant   Japan  



Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - en.wikipedia.org
TEPCO - www.tepco.co.jp
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant - en.wikipedia.org

ver 1.7.6

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