In Timixi, we continually work on development of new features for timelines, quizzes and board games. We are still looking for interesting topics, brightened data views and innovative teaching purposes - definitely other ways to use timelines. Our startup team believes that the powerful tool for timelines will be popular for a heap of users.
We develop and cultivate the system that coherent visualize time-based data. We want by dint of the comparison of timeline events to push data in a new dimension. We build a timeline library with a wide range of expert and either engaging themes. We help process timelines for scientists and managers, we offer to relish our application with your family and hobbies. We have solutions for both teachers and students. - Knowledge quizzes, board games and timelines in Timixi can become an effective tool in every classroom. Timeline maker is provided as freebie, in addition we add a number of timelines for free.
Let you inspire by the tips and guides from our team. All suggestions for users are based on our team's experience with the Timixi timeline system.
He graduated from Computer Sciences at the Czech Technical University, worked in int'l IT corps in the service of customers, including the education department.
Jan guards Timixi catalog of timelines and utilizing of the education system.
At the University of Economics he has graduated from Accounting & Finance, knows everything about credit, real estate and banking in general.
Jiri monitors in Timixi the organizational structure and smooth flow of corporate finance.
The graduate of Czech Technical University has always been involved in the development and management of information systems, as is the case with us.
Jan takes care of the functionality of all web technologies in Timixi.
He has moved IT from the ground up - working as a technician, programmer, net manager, and developer.
Jan leads the development of the system in Timixi, likes the power of business and marketing above that.
Published: 02/01/2019