Queen Elisabeth II and President Gerald Ford (photo: Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, CC0)

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British Queen and Presidents of the United States
Queen Elisabeth II met 14 presidents of USA

Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth II has met 14 presidents of the United States at official level. The only US president during this era did not have this occasion - Lyndon Johnson.
The first meeting with Harry Truman went to Elizabeth II even as a Princess. However, only President Herbert Hoover was no longer in office when they met.
Although Elizabeth II overcame Queen Victoria for the duration of her reign, 19 presidents took over as head of the United States during the rule of Victoria, while “only” 15 during the reign of Elizabeth.
During his 70-year reign, the Queen has met repeatedly with some presidents. Therefore, on the timeline we capture the first or the important meeting. The last US president to have a royal audience with Elizabeth II was Joe Biden.


Timeline span: 1951 - 2021

Events: 15

Timeline with calendar dates: 3 sets of values

One-time events

Linear time-scale

Author : Timixi (editors)

TIMELINE PRICE   from 20 credits

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CZ Britská královna a prezidenti Spojených států

EN British Queen and Presidents of the United States


Community & celebrities   Life & society   States & rise   Contemporary history  

president   USA   UK   America   kingdom   United States   Queen   United Kingdom   Elisabeth II   Buckhingham   Washington   monarchy   celebrity  

stars (avg.) : 5.0


Twisted Sifter - twistedsifter.com
IBTimes - www.ibtimes.co.uk
ITV - www.itv.com
Queen Elizabeth II - en.wikipedia.org

ver 1.7.6 en