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Teaching is a traditional profession. However, teachers don't have their official holiday for too long - UNESCO has recommended celebrating World Teachers' Day only in 1994. So, in many countries, students and their parents traditionally appreciate the teachers on a different day.
The Czech (and Slovak) day of teachers tradition is tied to the birth of the philosopher, writer and founder of modern pedagogy, J. A. Comenius.
The timeline includes selected dates for Teachers' Day in several regions in the world. In most countries, the celebration has a fixed date, but somewhere it is a moving feast (in this case are related the commemoration dates on timeline to year 2019).
Timeline span: 01/16/2019 - 12/22/2019
Events: 22 (4 with priority)
One-time events
Linear time-scale
Author : Timixi (editors)
Special offer: Free timeline
EN Teachers' Day
Community & celebrities
Education science
Contemporary history
memorial day
timeline review : 1 reviews
myslela jsem, že se to slaví všude stejně :-)
Teachers’ Days (the list) - en.wikipedia.org
World Teachers' Day - en.wikipedia.org
UNESCO: World Teachers' Day - en.unesco.org
World Teachers' Day: October 5, 2021 - nationaltoday.com