Apollo Lunar Vehicle LRV, USA (photo: NASA, public domain)


detail.from-now-obtained detail.obtained-ziskalo : 5 detail.obtained-uzivatelů
detail.last-timeline-purchase: před 3 roky
detail.timeline-active-from: 7. 8. 2019



detail.quiz-run-times: 4167x
detail.quiz-best-run: 88 % (HoBr_SEF)

detail.run-quiz detail.text-quiz






Lunar and Mars rovers
Automatic and man-driven vehicles on space objects

Automatic research probes play an important role in the exploration of space objects. Even more interesting for scientists are moving vehicles that can extend the perimeter of the area under investigation.
The first cosmic body surface a rover achieved was the Moon. After several attempts, the Soviet Union landed an automatic Lunokhod vehicle. However, a man-driven lunar rover was developed for American astronauts in the Apollo program.
Since then, scientific attention has been focusing on the planet Mars. Several spacecrafts landed on its surface and launched a variety of automatic rovers. The most important is the research activity of the United States. In recent years, also China and India have been becoming more active.
Currently, great scientific expectations are being placed on the exploration of Mars by the American vehicle Perseverance.
Of course, we cannot include the Tesla automobile launched in February 2018 as a surface vehicle in space. The billionaire Elon Musk and his company SpaceX used the car only as an attractive load during the test flight of the rocket Falcon Heavy (the dummy vehicle).
The European space agency (ESA) in cooperation with Russian Roskosmos want to send their own automatic rover Rosalind Franklin to the Moon surface, but the ExoMars mission is delayed.
The United Arab Emirates are a newcomer to exploring space bodies with its own vehicles. For the flight in 2022, they are preparing the smallest rover of all, which will weigh only 10 kg. It will be transported to the surface of the Moon as a part of the Japanese mission of iSpace, the Hakuto-R probe.
A project by Toyota and the JAXA space agency is already under preparation. As a part of its ambitious plans, Japan is developing a closed research vehicle for astronauts. The launch of a large rover headed to the Moon is planned around 2030.
The rovers’ timeline summarizes all research vehicles on the Moon and the Mars surfaces.


detail.timeline-span: 17. listopad 1970 - 2029?

detail.timeline-event-count: 21 (4 detail.timeline-event-count-prioritní)

detail.timeline-with-values: 3 detail.timeline-with-values-sady detail.timeline-with-values-hodnot

detail.timeline-point-and-span-events (13 detail.timeline-span-event-pásmových-událostí )


detail.timeline-autor : detail.timeline-autor-timixi


detail.timeline-special-offer: detail.timeline-free


CZ Pozemní vozidla ve vesmíru

EN Lunar and Mars rovers


Vesmír   Doprava   Moderní doba  

technika   Evropa   Sovětský svaz   USA   Japonsko   Měsíc   vesmír   Mars   Rusko   Apollo   Indie   Čína   rover   vozidlo   Opportunity   Curiosity   Sojourner   Spirit   Yutu   věda   ExoMars   Lunochod   Viper  



Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle - en.wikipedia.org
Lunokhod lunar rovers - en.wikipedia.org
Lunar probe & rover (China) - en.wikipedia.org
Lunar rover Yutu (China) - en.wikipedia.org
Lunar rover (India) - en.wikipedia.org
Toyota/JAXA lunar rover - www.engadget.com
Mars rovers - en.wikipedia.org
Mars rover Rosalind Franklin (ESA) - en.wikipedia.org
Mars rover Zhurong (China) - en.wikipedia.org
Lunar rover VIPER - en.wikipedia.org
Cuberover (Iris) - en.wikipedia.org

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